Al- Furat Center for Studies has prepared a report with regard to a questionnaire concerning the Kurdish National Council Policy

The report was conducted by the Al-Furat Center for Studies on the questionnaire and its results, dated on 17/3/2020, with regard to the Kurdish public opinion about the Kurdish National Council policies and its role as part of the Syrian Coalition

Index of Contents

The Executive Summary


The Purpose of the Questionnaire

The Methodology of the Questionnaire

The Description of the Questionnaire’s questions

The Submission Mechanism

The Targeted Inhabitant Category

The Results and Recommendations



The Executive Summary

The incidents occurred in the North and East of Syria(NES) have formed many divisions among the Kurdish political parties; the ramifications that had been produced by the Turkish Operations ( Olive Branch and Peace Spring) killed, displaced and fled a wide proportion of the Kurdish Society, therefore, these parties sought to provide appropriate representation for this society.

This report discusses the results of the answer to the two questions that the Al-Furat Center for Studies had adopted as a questionnaire that was conducted from 23/2/2020 to 3/3/2020. These results will be used as an analysis tool for the Kurdish public opinion in Syria about (the Kurdish National Council) throughout the evaluation of its strategy and to what extent this strategy is appropriate for the Kurdish issues and the results of this strategy, whether it represents their rights, or leads to their loss.

The two questions are:

1- How do you evaluate the Kurdish National Council staying within the Syrian Coalition so far? 

2- How do you see the Kurdish National Council Agreement with the Syrian Coalition concerning IDPs return to their occupied regions by Turkey?

The report was extracted by introducing the response results to the two questions and the analysis of these responses as well as coming out with some recommendations.

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